EYFS - Acorn
Welcome to Acorn Class
Early Years Foundation Stage
Class Teachers: Miss Probyn and Mrs Green
Miss Probyn works Wednesday to Friday and Mrs Green works Monday and Tuesday
LSAs: Mrs Townson and Miss Wood
We are a playful, fun, explorative class where each child is encouraged to learn through play and engaging activities. Our aim is to create a environment where children can thrive and continuously work towards developing and further enhancing their communication, literacy, maths and personal and social skills.
Our School rules
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Ready
Daily checklist:
- Correct uniform
- One book bag with reading book and reading record
- Weather appropriate coat
- Water bottle
- Wellington boots if rainy or snowy (so that children can access all of the garden)
- Check Tapestry for updates :-)
Miss Probyn and Mrs Green are available if you would like to discuss how your child is doing at school or to ask a classroom specific question (eg a lost jumper etc...) please feel free to email them both using the class email address: acorn@inspiresmat.co.uk
Don't forget you can also use Tapestry as a way to communicate with the EYFS team and keep up to date with the fun and amazing things your children are getting up to and learning during their time in Acorn Class. If your query relates to something other than classroom matters, for example: dinners, payments, events, please continue to contact the office via telephone or the admin email address, thank you.
In Acorn class we use Tapestry to share the children's learning journey with you, it is a fantastic and easy way for you to see what your children are currently learning about and the activities they take part in during their time at school. Remember to check Tapestry regularly it is updated all of the time. Don't forget we also love to see what you have been up to :)
Spring 1 in Acorn Class
We are starting off the spring term with a very exciting topic, which is 'Big Wide World'. In the Big Wide World project, your child will find out about the world in which they live. They will learn about different climates and explore habitats, including their flora and fauna. They will locate the United Kingdom on a world map and compare life in the United Kingdom with life elsewhere. They will also learn about caring for their environment, both locally and beyond.
There are a variety of activities that you could do at home with your child to further support their understanding of the world we live in, for example:
- Use Google Earth to explore where you live and look up places you would like to visit.
- Talk about places around the world you have visited, or places that family members or friends live. Look at the places on a map and talk about ways to travel.
- If you go on holiday, send a postcard to school to show where you went.
- Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.
Phonics and reading
Our school are now using the Little Wandle Phonics scheme to encourage and inspires teachers to deliver engaging lessons which foster and support a love of Reading. All children will read daily, this may be as part of a group or individually with a teacher.
To inspire our English lessons we use Literacy Tree, a complete, book-based platform for primary schools, covering all Primary English curriculum requirements, training and support.
The Magic Paintbrush
In this ten-session Writing Root, which we suggest will take 3 weeks to cover, the children discover a magic paintbrush and are asked what they would paint with it. Then, through the story of The Magic Paintbrush, they meet Shen who loves to paint and draw. Shen is presented with a magic brush but she is to only use it for good. In the story, she overcomes a greedy Emperor who sets his dragon upon Shen. The children create their own dragon-like monsters through playing Mix and Match Monsters and record ideas by drawing and labelling a diagram. They then write an own-version narrative by changing the items that their main character paints and including their own monster that the main character overcome.
Super Milly and the Super School Day
In this ten-session Writing Root the children discover some superhero items left in their class then consider what their super power would be if they were an actual superhero. The text, Super Milly and the Super School Day is shared, letters of encouragement for the main character are written and the concept of qualities and positive traits such as kindness and generosity being super powers is explored. The children reply to a job advert for a superhero before writing their own superhero story with them as the main character but first they must decide what their super powers will be and who they will help. This is done through singing and adding to a superhero song, sung to the well-known melody of Ten Green Bottles.
This year the children will be taught how to read and spell the words in the photo below. You may wish to help your child practice spelling these at home.
There are lots of great ways to practice reading and writing them, why not try…?
- Have a word hunt around the house
- Play word pairs or snap
- Practice writing them in sand, glitter, shaving foam
- Look for them in the environment
- Letters on milk bottle lids and putting them in order to spell
- Writing them with chalk on the pavement
- Making them with playdough
Oxford Owl ebook log in
We have created a class login for the Oxford Owl website. Here you will be able to find books to suit your child’s reading age... there are lots of books available so the children can get through as many as they want 👍🏻😊
To make it even better each book has 2 games to play too 😊
To access this amazing resource please visit:
Press the lines in the top right corner and select log in, then student log in.
Class name: acorn cherry tree
Password: Acornclass
If you have any problems, please do let me know!
Happy reading 📖
In our math's lessons we are continuously building upon our current skills and fostering new ones, which we then apply through fun and practical experiences. We will be teaching maths though White Rose. This is a research-based scheme of learning, consistent with the aims and objectives of the Early Years Framework, supporting a mastery approach to teaching and learning in Early Years. We will be covering the following topics this half term:
Introducing zero
Find 0-5
Subitise numbers 0-5
Represent 0-5
the concept of 1 more and 1 less
Composition of number
Conceptual subitising to 5
To help practice Maths skills at home please watch Numberblocks and log in to play Numbots.