Key Points of Contact
There are many different issues connected with your child that you will want to discuss in the years that they are at Cherry Tree Academy. Issues are dealt with by different members of staff who have a specialist knowledge or training in these particular areas, ensuring that you get the very best advice we can offer. This information lets you know who to ask for to get an issue resolved.
Contact for any of these people is via e:mail or 01206 575224 where you can make an appointment.
Headteacher: Miss C Newley
Safeguarding Leads:
Miss A Symonds
Miss C Newley
Mr R Bullivant
SENCo: Ms C Young
Class Teachers:
‘How is she doing?’ ‘He might be upset because …..’ ‘She says she can’t see the board properly’ etc. These are all issues that relate directly to the classroom and it is the class teacher that you need to speak to about these. Don’t forget staff are available by appointment after school.
EYFS Class Teacher:
Mrs Green / MIss Probyn
Year 1 Class Teacher:
Mrs Griggs
Year 2 Class Teacher:
Miss Bassnett
Year 3 Class Teacher:
Mrs Dunn
Year 4 Class Teachers:
Miss T Jackson
Year 5 Class Teacher:
Mr R Bullivant & Mrs V Donnelly
Year 6 Class Teacher:
Mrs C Helsden
‘I’m having problems getting him to school’ ‘She’s being bullied’ ‘He’s terrible at home .. Can you help?’ ‘She hasn’t got anyone to play with on the playground, at playtime’ ...etc We have an experienced Behaviour Team who spend a great deal of time talking to pupils and parents about these kind of issues. Never hesitate to come and tell us if there is a problem!
Parent Liaison:
Miss Newley