Year 5 - Beech
Welcome to Beech Class
Year 5
Class Teacher: Mr Bullivant
Class Teacher: Mrs Donnelly
LSA- Mrs King
email :
Welcome to the Year 5 Beech class page and welcome to the Spring term 2024/25.
It is still really important to embed the growth mindset and independence within year 5, as they are to progress into year 6 shortly. Please ensure they are more independent and are remembering the school rules and equipment, by themselves. To help, this is about the class daily routines:
PE is on a Monday- changing dependent on curriculum needs. You do not now need to take your PE kits home weekly so, please leave them at school for the half term- if you take them home, please return them the next day because they are needed most days in year 5.
Please bring in your school water bottle, reading record and reading book, everyday.
Children MUST be reading at home as well as practising times tables, completing their homework books and their weekly spellings. Our homework book marking, spelling and times tables tests will be every Friday. They can use 12.00pm-12.30pm on a Friday to complete anything they do not understand in the library, where I am in attendance.
In Maths, we will continue to use White Rose Maths. White Rose Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths, well linked to the developing of a positive growth mindset.
This term in Maths, we will be focussing on multiplication and division to use formal written methods to multiply and divide larger numbers. Additionally, we will be introducing the children to decimals and percentages focussing on equivalences and converting these using a range of strategies.
In English, we will be focusing on the truly engaging book- The Islander written by Armin Greder. During this unit, the children will explore the nuances in the language used by Armin Greder. Themes of prejudice and hostility are explored as well as delving into the mindset of the island’s inhabitants. Children will infer different character’s feelings, exploring the character of the fisherman in particular through the technique of teacher in role, before receiving a letter asking for advice and writing a reply that uses the subjunctive mood. Children write a short news bulletin using the perfect tense before making an analysis of the text and comparing two groups of people.
In Science this term, we will be learning about Earth and Space. This project teaches children about our Solar System and its spherical celestial bodies. They describe the movements of the Earth and the other planets relative to the Sun, the Moon relative to Earth, and the Earth's rotation to explain day and night.
Geography- Sow, Grow and Farm
This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas.
As mentioned above, the class will have a list of spellings to learn each week. The spellings are a combination of words from their year group list, words from the class book and words that children have chosen themselves from book checks. A weekly test takes place and records are kept to track improvement in spellings.
Curriculum Overview- Spring Term
Times tables
It is really important for the children to know their times tables. Here at Cherry Tree Academy we have found a fun way to learn our times table. Times Table Rockstars! Children can have their own rockstar name, they can listen to rock music as they learn their tables All the children have been given usernames and passwords- if you’re unsure please ask the class teacher. Click the link below to access:
Each week, the children are expected to complete an activity from each book and hand them in on Friday to be marked. The activities to be completed, will be set each week.